PRI Bio (a division of Progressive Recovery, Inc.) is excited to announce Digital Analysis by PRI Bio™, a key technology addition to its popular Single-Source Solution Program serving all the biowaste treatment needs of BioPharm clients. Under this partnership, Digital Analysis Corp. is providing three of its industry-leading packaged pH neutralization systems (labTREAT™; batchTREAT™; and pHASE™) to be integrated with PRI Bio’s Effluent Decontamination Systems.
Digital Analysis Corp. offers a complete line of pH adjustment systems for the neutralization of acids and bases from any industrial wastewater source, including the pharmaceutical and other laboratory markets. Skid-mounted systems are available ranging in size from 1 GPM to up to 1,000 GPM. For pH adjustment applications larger than 1,000 GPM, custom fabricated systems are available.
The integration of Digital Analysis Corp’s pH Neutralization Systems with PRI Bio’s Effluent Decontamination Systems allow users, particularly those in the biopharmaceutical manufacturing industries as well as biodefense and laboratory research, to have a single-source provider for all their effluent treatment needs. The partnership fosters increased collaboration between architects, contractors, engineering, project management and facility operation teams to ensure the best-value solution possible for end-users: from initial design, to FAT, commissioning, start-up and long-term service.
PRI adds Digital Analysis Corp (pH Neutralization Systems) to its existing Single-Source partnerships including Ecodas (RMW Decontamination Systems) and Astell Scientific Ltd (Steam Sterilizer Autoclaves).